Friday, April 27, 2012

Our "ever silent" God

Sometimes I have these conversations with God. They go something like this:

“God, what you want from me?”

No answer

“God, seriously I’m trying to listen, what you want from me… what do you want me to do?"

Again, no answer.

These moments are frustrating because we feel like we are praying to the ever silent, invisible God. Then we find ourselves questioning and debating his very existence.

But know this my friends. God is always around, and even though we may not see, feel or hear Him, He is working.

Tonight I had a conversation with my friend Dinah, she is an incredible young woman who fears the Lord, and He spoke through her. It doesn’t matter what our conversation was about, but it matters that I saw my King in her, and that is beautiful.

I think sometimes we forget that God is in all things. He speaks in the most unexpected places and works through His faithful servants, and even the unfaithful. We try to define how God communicates, but we can just never know. God is God and that is that.

How beautiful is that, our indefinable God. So next time you feel like God isn’t there, just try to see Him in the small places, see how He works in those around you, look for encouraging words on walls, accept good thoughts that come into your head. God is there, He is in all things.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Waiting For What?

I think a lot of people my age are playing this stupid little waiting game. What I mean by this is that so many of us have this mentality of waiting for our lives to start. We’re waiting to fall in love, waiting to get answers on our dream jobs, waiting to arrive in our relationship with Christ.

Incase you may need a reality check, our lives started well before we were even born, but for our little pea brains, we’ll just say that our lives started when we entered into the physical world.

So lets stop waiting and start living! We always think about our future and what it will be like then, instead of what it’s like now. We are waiting for tomorrow to happen! I’m not saying that we need to completely throw planning ahead out of the window. But why can’t we just live in today.

A lot of girls do this thing when they just start a relationship, or even when they’re in a puppy-love crush state with a guy. They imagine what their life will be like with this guy when they settle down and get married. First, they have no idea where this relationship is going and shouldn’t plan a marriage until a ring is on the finger. This is so unwise, it creates expectations of tomorrow that may never be. We idealize about the future, we always think that it will be better than today.

You can never know. In your lowest of lows and highest of highs, you don’t know what trials and joys are to come. Rejoice in every moment, the good bad and the ugly.

This may be some kind of rant that has been all over the place. But I’m tired for myself. Waiting… waiting for what? Things will happen when God wants them to, I am in no hurry, I don’t think God wants us to sit on our butts and complain about the things that are currently not happening for us. We have a responsibility to live for him in EVERY moment whether we feel we are in a good or bad place. He will be used and glorified.

What I’m trying to say is that in your waiting, do not complain, don’t be stagnant, and don’t hope for things to just happen. Waiting involves prayer, trust in God’s plan, and service to Him. But I can’t believe that we are meant to just sit and wait.

Continue to bring Christ’s Kingdom to earth in every moment.