Thursday, November 10, 2011

Grumpy Gills

A few weeks ago I realized that I complain a lot. I’m not talking about little comments here or there, I mean the kind of complaining where every word that comes out of my mouth is a negative thought. No one really confronted me about the attitude I had but I could tell that I was getting on a lot of peoples nerves. So one day, I decided no more. 

On my facebook page I started a count down to Thanksgiving, and everyday I’m posting something I’m thankful for. Its had quite a good effect. It really makes me think about all the good things going on in my life these days, and there are a lot of good things. I’m just realizing more and more, how much complaining really affects my mood and the moods of others around me.

And lets be honest with ourselves, who actually wants to hear someone complain about the world… No one. I mean there are the occasional ventings we need to discuss. But really other than that, people just don’t care about the negatives.

There’s this girl in one of my classes. She’s the reason why I decided I needed to change. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever met a more stressful person. I don’t think she’s ever had a good thing to say about anything. She normally tells the world how stressed she is with school and how no one else understands her situation. I seriously laugh when she says this, because she’s saying it to a room full of college students who are music majors (music majors are considered to be one of the busiest majors in the collegiate world).

Empathy is one of my strengths (according to the strengths finder test), so you would think that I would totally feel for this girl. But the thing is that she just wants the world to feel sorry for her, and the truth is, complaining makes people more apathetic than anything else. This is why I know I need to just buck up and get over my little pet peeves and complaints about stupid things, because that doesn’t bring joy to people.

I’m a joyful person when you first meet me, but when you finally sit down and have an actual conversation with me, you figure out that I lack a lot of joy in some areas. I don’t ever want to be fake, but I think as a follower of Christ I’m supposed to do whatever I’m doing with Joy, even if its something I hate.

So in with the joyful happy Kait and out with the annoying grumpy gills Kait… this is going to be fun…

much love to all!

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