Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I go to a school that has some of the most talented individuals in the world. You may think I’m joking, but I’m not. I’m a singer and I go to school for music. Before college, I thought I was God’s gift to man… I don’t think that anymore. Lets talk about this for a moment.

A few days ago I was honored and blessed to see my friend Kristen Wright perform a song she had written called “Quitter”. In all my years of college, and maybe even life for that matter, I don’t think I’ve ever been so moved by a song and performance.

Chris Martin (lead singer of Coldplay) said in an interview recently, that when he heard Adele’s song “Someone Like You” he was pissed because he didn’t write it. That’s kind of how I feel about Kristen’s song… Seriously, it is AMAZING and anyone who is a songwriter would feel the same way. Kristen is an inspiration, a prophet in her own right, and God has blessed her with an incredible journey to be able to write a song that has and will touch so many people!

I think of other friends that I have. Erin Berry, who is so stylish and laid back you just want to chill out with her while she sings to you, she grooves like no one else I know. Ariel McFall rocks singing classically and commercially, she has the voice of an angel. Matt Wright, who is so poetic with words and music, he brings you to tears, (the good kind) and lifts your spirit. Leslie Eiler who is such a rocker, she makes you want to rock with her. Chris Rayis, who plays musical theatre tunes like no body’s business and will write a Tony award winning musical for sure! Jordan Wright, who is so believable as a performer that you lose yourself in the song that he’s singing and forget who you are in that moment.

I could go on and on about all the talent I get to witness everyday. I am seriously the luckiest person in the world and I bless God for the inspiration that I receive from my talented friends.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this! You are a blessing to me!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this blog, so true and cute. Am following now :)


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    kisses, Beattie xoxo
